Back to School 

Back to School Checklist

If you are new/returning in the Fall or midyear, this information is still relevant.


▢  New to the district? 

  • Please go to the CUSD website to complete your online enrollment and upload all the needed documents.
  • Required Documents Checklist - New Students

▢  Otherwise... Returning Students & Residency Verification

Please Note: all incoming Kindergarten students that registered in the Spring still need to verify their residency on these dates. 

▢—Get involved!

  • Login/Register - registering on this site is free. If you had an account last year, it will take less than an minute. If you are new, it should take about 5 minutes. 
  • Join PTA - After you register, you will have the option to join PTA for $12. PTA is a framework that helps us grow the kind of community influence we need to support every child in our sphere of care - and help our students reach their potential. We invite you to join us this year and hope you will!
  • Donate to the PTA. Help support the Specialty Teachers at Aviara Oaks and bring P.E., Art, Math & language Arts Enrichment, Lab Science and Music to your student. 

▢  Stay Connected

  • The Eblast -An email update sent by your PTA each week. It's a really good summary of what's going on at our school. Your year will go much smoother if you spend 3 minutes each week reading it. 
  • Beyond the Blast - When you update your free account on, you are automatically subscribed to this during the week reminder email for last minute updates and day-of reminders.
  • Instagram- Follow our @aoepta account
  • Facebook - If you have a Facebook account, follow our Aviara Oaks Elementary PTA Page and join the AOE PTA Parent Chat Group
  • Mr. Hines’ Phone Call Messages - When you see a call from (760) 331-6000, that is the office with the latest information on important school related updates and PTA deadlines. Be sure to listen up and Go Eagles!

▢  Attend the Meet & Greet with your child— 

Meet your child's teacher, get to know the PTA, and sign up for volunteer opportunities on.


You must have completed your registration in the CUSD Parent Aeries Portal to be assigned a teacher. 


▢  Back to School Night

Save the date for Back to School Night.


Please watch your email for a message from Mr. Hines once school has started. 



School Supply lists are distributed at Back to School Night as lists may vary from teacher to teacher within the same grade. You do not need to shop for school supplies before school starts. 


The Basics 

School Hours

Plan to be at school early. School starts at 8:20am. School gates open at 8:00am.


If your child will go home a different way than normal (with a friend, for example), let both your child’s teacher and the office know.



Thursdays are Early Release. All students will be released at 1:45pm every Thursday.


Tuesdays are College Day. Sport your favorite college wear!

Wednesdays are Kindess Day. Wear something with uplifting, kind words.

Fridays are Spirit Day. Wear your Spirit Wear or something blue.


carpool and walking 


Amazingly, it only takes about 15 minutes to dismiss 700+ kids and clear the carpool lanes. So be patient. You’ll be home before you know it!


AT ALL TIMES on the AO Driveway

  • The Speed Limit is 15mph or less.
  • Stay in your vehicle and pull forward as far as you can. The line moves quickest if we all pull forward and students are prepared with their backpacks to get in or out of the car. 
  • Students should enter or exit vehicles from the doors closest to the curb.
  • Do not park and leave your car anywhere along the curbs. You will block traffic.
  • The Left Lane is for through traffic to the Middle School Only.
    • No Stopping. 
    • No Passengers in/out of vehicles.
    • DO NOT CUT OFF CARS in the middle and right lanes.
    • DO NOT CUT into the U Parking Lots.
  • Please respect that the Big and Small U parking lots for Staff Only. Staff arrive throughout the entire day, not just before school. 

Morning Drop off

  • Morning drop off is in the Big U. The Big U is one (1) lane only. 
    • DO NOT CUT OFF CARS in the middle,right lanes or U-lanes.
    • DO NOT CUT into the U Parking Lots.
    • DO NOT PASS cars within the U Parking Lots. After your student is safely on the sidewalk, you may pull out to pass stopped cars
  • Do not wait in your car while your student enters campus as this causes an unsafe traffic situation. Your student will be able to navigate from the curb to their classroom on their own.

Afternoon Pickup

  • Afternoon Pick Up is along the curb. Stay in your vehicle and lane. A teacher will assist your student into your car.
  • The Left Lane is for through traffic to the Middle School only. 
    • No Stopping. 
    • No Passengers in/out of vehicles.
  • The Middle and Right Lanes are for waiting in your car for student pick up. Please be aware of pedestrians and others around you.
  • DO NOT leave your car unattended along the curbs. The driveway is active as early as 12:30pm due to Middle School dismissal. You will block traffic.

When Walking 

  • ALWAYS CROSS the parking lot near Mr. Hines. He has stopped traffic and this is the safest place to cross.
  • Wait to ride bikes and scooters until you are on the Ambrosia sidewalks. 
  • Please use Ambrosia Lane for parking. The parking lots are for Staff Only. 




Great Ways to Get Involved 


Join PTA - and use your powers for good.  

AOE's PTA is a great group of teachers and parents who combine talents to make Aviara Oaks a better place for kids. Explore membership, volunteering and leadership options on this website.

Join the Room Parent Team

Support your child's teacher and work with other parents in the same grade to plan parties, share pictures, and make the classroom a bit more creative. Kids LOVE having a parent active in the classroom and look forward to the parties. 

Take Part in the Discussion 

Attend one or more of the three PTA General Association Meetings. You can also follow our PTA on Facebook and Instagram @aoepta and join our Closed Facebook Group, search AOE PTA Parent Chat.  

Take on a Leadership Role

If you have the time, care about kids, and work well with other adults, leadership may be a good fit for you. Contact our PTA President if you would like to have a more active role.


Support Our Kids!

You are invited to join us as strong supporters of kids at Aviara Oaks Elementary. 



Register on this website anytime. It's free, and gives you greater access to information about our school.  After you register, you will have the option to join PTA and get involved in the life of our school. And we hope you will!

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