Support Our Troops Week
2019 Veterans Day Flag Raising Ceremony |
A Special Invitation to Veterans and Military
All family members, friends and neighbors of AOE students whom are Veterans or Active Duty Personnel of the U.S. Military and our Allies are invited to join Principal Hines and all AOE students to honor Veterans for the Annual AOE Flag Raising Ceremony on Friday, November 8th, 2019 at 7:45am for a Reception Breakfast; followed by the Flag Ceremony at 8:30am at the flagpole.
Collections for Our Heroes Journey |
Support Our Troops Week is a Collection drive for Our Heroes Journey, an organization that gives support to active and veterans San Diego soldiers that are in need after deployments and/or service to our country. Students may bring items to create care packages for the Homeless Veterans of San Diego as well as holiday care packages for single soldiers stationed at Camp Pendleton.
Requested items are snack foods, toiletries, small gift cards, any anything else you think these young soldiers would enjoy. Most requested items list here. Please drop your contributions at the collection table at the main gate of the school November 4th - 8th from 7:45am - 8:15am.
Calling All AOE Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts |
Cub Scout and Girl Scout students are invited to wear their uniforms to school on Friday, November 8th, for the AOE Annual Flag Raising Ceremony. Scouts are invited to come to the Auditorium before school at 7:45 a.m. to serve at the reception and personally thank Veterans and Active Duty Personnel in attendance.
Giving Back – Travis Manion Foundation |
If you have already made your contribution to our Annual Giving Campaign, the Support Our Troops Team asks you to kindly consider giving back to the community a bit more this Veterans Day in the form of a contribution to The Travis Manion Foundation whose mission is to empower veterans and the families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations, particularly in the classrooms through their Character Does Matter Program and its “If not me, then who…” message.
Read more about the foundation at
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